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Make a difference.

Come for a RIDE. 

 What We Do 

RIDE's Study Abroad programs in East Africa transcend traditional learning, offering students an immersive journey that expands their understanding of global affairs and the profound impact of communities. We work with colleges, universities, and other institutions in the US and Europe to develop student programs focused on a variety of community development topics. Our programs are meticulously designed to be more than just educational experiences; they are transformative adventures that leave a lasting imprint on students' lives. By participating in field studies, students are prepared for future research, graduate studies, and successful careers. Together, we foster a new generation of informed and empowered global citizens, leaving an indelible mark on the world.

RIDE's Community Initiatives are a powerful blend of external support and community-driven development, forging a unique path towards positive impact. Partnering with grassroots organizations, we focus our research initiatives on low-income, multicultural, and rural communities, channeling resources directly to those most in need. Through projects centered on crucial community challenges, we build a foundation for our student trips and ecotours, addressing topics that affect local residents and their environment. Our projects tackle a variety of topics including climate change, women empowerment, and local conservation efforts. Guided by an unwavering commitment to ethical partnerships, we reject parasitic practices and set strict targets, ensuring tangible results.

RIDE also offers premium ecotours and other safari experiences that are unlike anything on the market. Our team of local ecotourism experts take our guests on once-in-a-liftime adventures to East Africa. Our safaris are tailored to individual needs and comfort levels, allowing our visitors to "study abroad" as a tourist of any age. Whether our guests want to climb to the top of Mt Kilimanjaro, unwind on the Indian Ocean, trek with wild Chimpanzees or just learn about inspirational community projects, East Africa has it all. As a nonprofit, the emphasis is on meaningful interactions with local communities. Our ecotourism activities are set up in a way that has both a positive impact on our visitors and community members alike. Come for a RIDE to East Africa today!

How We’re Different

Empowering Communities, Inspiring Minds, Creating Lasting Change.

RIDE Student with member of women's basket weaving group located in Kiteghe, Kenya.

Innovative Approach

RIDE's distinct approach stands out by seamlessly merging the realms of ecotourism, study abroad, and local community initiatives across East Africa. Unlike conventional models, RIDE places paramount importance on local communities, working collaboratively to create sustainable economic opportunities and empower marginalized populations. This unique fusion not only offers students and other travelers immersive and enriching experiences but also fosters genuine connections with the regions they explore. Through prioritizing the interests and ambitions of local communities, RIDE forges a remarkable bond that transcends traditional boundaries, enhancing the impact of both educational journeys and community development efforts.

Our Model

Educational Trips

At the heart of RIDE's model lies our unwavering commitment to engaging transformative student trips that immerse participants in the vibrant cultures and pressing issues of East African communities. These educational journeys serve as dynamic learning platforms, enabling students to gain invaluable firsthand insights into local challenges and achievements, fostering a profound and lasting connection as well as a mutual understanding between participants and the host communities.


Community Initiatives

Complementing our educational trips is our dedication to fostering community collaboration. We actively partner with local communities to identify their unique needs and aspirations, and then work together to design and implement short-term projects that bring about positive change. By combining local knowledge and resources with RIDE's expertise and support, we enable communities to develop sustainable solutions that empower them to overcome challenges and thrive.


Successful Collaboration

The fusion of engaging student trips and ecotours with community initiatives forms RIDE's distinctive model. This synergy not only enriches the educational experiences of our participants but also empowers community members to lead their own development journey. By merging these two components, RIDE cultivates a reciprocal relationship that allows us to collectively achieve our mission of promoting sustainable development, cultural exchange, and mutual growth in East Africa.